How to wear that Summer Dress

How to look good this summer.

Zambesi Floral Dress

Zambesi Summer Dress

The easiest item of clothing to have in the wardrobe this year when it comes to summer fashion is the dress.  Well, that is my recommendation.  It doesn’t require too much thought as it is really only 1 item of clothing. You can dress it up or down, depending on whether you are wearing flat shoes or heels, and with the use of a belt can cinch and change the shape of the dress with ease.  Of course you do need to ensure the dress is a nice lightweight breathable fabric so a cotton ideally or a linen (for those who like ironing) are good recommendations.  Silk, although lovely to wear, can get a little sticky sometimes.

When it comes to beach wear – the best way to cover up that bikini or swimsuit until you make it safely to the sandy shores is of course that practical and breezy summer dress.  Easy on; easy off.

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About stylebyyellowtulip (247 Articles)
I fell into the art of style quite by accident. There was no defining moment when I decided that I knew what I wanted to do. I want people to feel good about themselves. Many don’t know where to shop and/or how to wear fashion. It has never been solely about cost, but of finding quality at a reasonable price and being able to wear - to suit your own figure, style and fashion. Join me as we explore – What is Style? Yellow Tulip

6 Comments on How to wear that Summer Dress

  1. Good idea, Yellow Tulip, with all this amazing weather we are having!
    Where did you get the two tone (grey/black) dress from? That is really nice.

    • The lovely grey/black dress came from Sportsgirl in Sydney and is great as 100% cotton and also has very handy pockets as well. Perfect for the beach or watching tennis. Have a lovely day and keep enjoying these lovely summer days.

  2. DW in Brisbane // January 6, 2015 at 9:38 pm // Reply

    I love dresses in summer – so much cooler than skirts or shorts and tops. There’s lots to choose from here in Brisbane – trouble is lots of them are made from polyester which I find horrible to wear in this hot and sticky climate. I have found a few cotton ones though, and they have become firm summer favourites! Whilst I like the idea of linen, I don’t like the ironing involved and that after all that ironing effort, it soon creases. Your floral dress is cute!

  3. I don’t wear dresses enough so am glad I decided to do a blog on them and wear a summer dress every day. It is really difficult to find any that aren’t polyester these days. Nothing worse that fabric sticking to your body and/or showing lovely sweat marks. Love the idea of linen – but like you, not keen on ironing! The floral dress is an oldie but a goody from Zambesi a couple of years back. I love the fact I can get it out each and every year, as such a relaxed style. Happy summer fun. xx

  4. I bought a fun 60’s print dress at a charity store here and wore it all summer, So nice to only have to wear one piece of clothing! I usually have togs underneath, so I’m always ready for a swim.

  5. Great to get a bargain and be able to wear it often – I know how much you love swimming so perfect dress to slip over the togs. xx

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