Fashion Tip

See how many clothes you wear in any given month by turning the clothes hanger’s in your wardrobe the opposite way round, once you have worn them.  You may be surprised by how many clothes you have worn/or haven’t as the case may be.  It’ll be a great exercise to do before winter ends and you start thinking about all those new purchases you want, but have no room for in the wardrobe.
About stylebyyellowtulip (247 Articles)
I fell into the art of style quite by accident. There was no defining moment when I decided that I knew what I wanted to do. I want people to feel good about themselves. Many don’t know where to shop and/or how to wear fashion. It has never been solely about cost, but of finding quality at a reasonable price and being able to wear - to suit your own figure, style and fashion. Join me as we explore – What is Style? Yellow Tulip

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